Well let’s first start with what a GMO is. GMO stands for genetically modified organism. The modification occurs when certain strands of DNA from one organism are transferred into another organism. The technology dates back to the 1980s and the first edible crop, tomatoes, were sold in 1994.
Well why would anyone want to do that?
There are actually great benefits to this technology. In terms of food, some of the benefits are healthier crops, better nutrients and increased crop growth. These benefits encourage the implementation of them in underdeveloped countries. Given that these countries are generally known to have malnutrition; GMOs would be ideal to sustain their populations. The modification can allow the crops to be resistant to pest and have a longer shelf life.
There haven’t been any findings that have found GMOs to be harmful to humans. However, the FDA has made it a requirement to label foods if they have been genetically modified. Despite the said safety of these crops, there’s a list of countries around that world that have banned them. Surprisingly enough right here in the US there are specific crops that have been banned by various states; such as Maryland who banned GMO fish.
Grind your gears! Do you think it’s safe and to your knowledge have you ever tried a GMO product?
Also check out the “Top 10 Genetically Engineered Crops” by Discovery News!